Grenada EMA & 911 Addressing

Code Red
Winter Storms
Grenada EMA/911: A Legacy of Service and Partnership
The Grenada Emergency Management Agency (EMA)/911 operates as a joint agency of the City of Grenada and Grenada County, providing essential services for public safety and emergency response. The agency was initially established under the authority of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 (Public Law 81-920) and the Mississippi Emergency Management Law of 1995 (Mississippi Code of 1972, Title 33, Chapter 15). These laws have shaped the agency's mission, which aligns with the broader goals of emergency management.
The agency operates under a joint City/County resolution adopted on September 6, 1960, which formally established the Grenada Civil Defense Council. This resolution laid the foundation for collaborative efforts between the city and county in safeguarding the community.
In 1987, the agency was tasked with the monumental responsibility of creating physical addresses for Grenada County. By 1992, the project was completed, with every residence in both the city and county receiving a new, physical address. This marked the transition from the postal service’s rural route addressing system to the modern 911 addressing system, ensuring more precise and reliable location identification for emergency services.
The Grenada EMA/911 continues to be a pivotal force in emergency preparedness, response, and communication, ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents in the city and county.
Grenada EMA/911: Dedicated to Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation
At Grenada EMA/911, our core responsibilities encompass disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation for both the City of Grenada and Grenada County. We play a vital role in crafting comprehensive plans and securing grants that enhance the capabilities of our community, ensuring that we are well-equipped to handle emergencies effectively.
A key part of our mission is empowering citizens to be prepared for events that may disrupt their daily lives. We’ve achieved this by fostering strong, collaborative relationships with the City of Grenada City Council and the Grenada County Board of Supervisors, both of which provide the necessary funding to support our operations.
However, when a catastrophic disaster strikes, we recognize that even the government may not have all the resources needed to respond effectively. This is why it is crucial to teach citizens essential “self-help” procedures to ensure they are equipped to handle emergencies until professional responders arrive. This philosophy is the driving force behind our Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program, which trains and prepares individuals to take an active role in their own safety and the well-being of their neighbors.
Through these efforts, we are building a resilient, self-sufficient community capable of responding to and recovering from emergencies, ensuring that Grenada remains a safe place to live, work, and thrive.
Call 662-226-1076 or email
to sign up for alerts.
Minutes, message and data fees may apply, but there is NO CHARGE from the City of Grenada or Grenada County for the service.
Office Information
370 Van Dorn Street
Grenada, MS 38901
Director Trebia Rodgers
email trodgers@grenadaema.org
Deputy Director Tiffany Clark
email tclark@grenadaema.org
Office Hours 8-5 Monday - Friday
except holidays.
We try to remain open during lunch if
staffing allows. We only have two full
time employees.
NIXLE/EMA Text Alerts & CODE RED Weather Warnings
NIXLE/EMA Text Alerts
Anyone can sign up for NIXLE/EMA Text Alerts, and all registered users will receive notifications, regardless of whether they are within the event area or not. These alerts are sent for anticipated severe weather, watches, warnings, and community messages.
Important Notes:
The service does not work on pre-paid phones or many Straight Talk phones.
While the service is free, message rates may still apply based on your phone plan.
CODE RED Weather Warnings
Code Red provides a more personalized warning system, calling your phone (house and/or cell) when a warning is issued for your specific address.
Key Features:
You must live in Grenada County to receive the Code Red Phone Calls or Texts.
You will receive calls only if you are in the affected warning area. If your area (for example, Elliott) is not under a warning but a nearby area (such as Geeslin Corner) is, you will not receive a call.
To sign up for Code Red, we must have your name, address, and phone numbers (up to 3 per address).
The service is free, though standard minute/message fees may apply based on your phone carrier.
These services help keep you informed and prepared, ensuring you receive the right alerts in a timely manner.